The kid does not sleep at all. A newborn or baby sleeps a lot: is it worth worrying? Inverted Mode: How to Debug

In the view of young mothers, a newborn baby should only eat and sleep all day and night. For some reason, such a regime is considered natural and necessary for the health of the baby.

And if the baby does not sleep all day, then something is wrong with his condition. Is it so?

Why does a newborn not want to sleep during the day or wakes up every hour? There may be several reasons:

  • discomfort in the tummy;
  • the newborn is hungry;
  • a wet diaper interferes;
  • unsuitable air temperature;
  • uncomfortable clothes;
  • slept well at night.

If the baby does not fall asleep well or does not want to sleep at all during the day, and is also naughty, you should pay attention to this. The fact is that such behavior can be caused by a mental or physical disorder.

Baby food

In a small organism there is a continuous formation digestive systemwhich can cause discomfort and even painful sensations. It can be colic, cramps in the tummy - and the baby does not sleep well. If the reason for the lack of sleep is precisely in this problem, the baby's diet should be revised.

Important!After feeding, do not forget to keep the baby in an upright position for at least 10 minutes to allow air to escape from the esophagus.

Often, a newborn simply does not eat enough, especially an artificial one. He often wakes up from hunger, or it is difficult to put him to bed. In this case, the mother should do a breast milk test to check the amount of nutrients. Malnutrition can also be caused by insufficient lactation. The newborn makes great efforts to get milk, and falls asleep from fatigue. Mom thinks he's full and puts him to bed. But after an hour, the baby wakes up and starts crying!


A wet diaper and an unsuitable microclimate in the room can also be the reason that the newborn often wakes up during the day or it is impossible to put it down. It is difficult for a small body to adapt to a new habitat; this can become the basis of moods and insomnia.

Uncomfortable clothes can also cause your baby to wake up often day and night. Try not to buy fashionable undershirts and romper pants, but those that are comfortable for the little body. Sometimes shirts for babies are sewn from old soft cotton, the seam should be outside.

If it is difficult for the baby to go to bed during the day, while no whims are observed, it means that he gets enough sleep at night. The sleep of babies differs from the sleep of an adult in that the fast phase prevails in it. So it turns out: the baby took a nap for 10 minutes - and is not going to sleep anymore!

Important! To regulate daytime sleep, try to walk outside more and keep your baby occupied with various games. Then he will have a need for rest.

How to help a baby fall asleep?

It is noticed that small children fall asleep very quickly to the accompaniment of monotonous noise. Sounds belong to it:

  • washing machine;
  • muffled conversation;
  • hair dryer;
  • thermal fan.

Babies do not bother their parents during air travel or traveling by train: they sleep all the time. This is proof of the calming effect of motion sickness and a uniform monotonous sound on the psyche of the baby.

It was also noted that harsh sounds and bright lighting have a negative effect on the fragile psyche and cause discomfort. In such an environment, a newborn does not fall asleep well, often wakes up and is naughty, it is difficult to put him in a crib.

Therefore, take care that:

  • the curtains were closed or covered during the day;
  • the room was well ventilated;
  • there was no hectic nervous atmosphere in the house.

An important psychological moment for the calmness of a baby is simply the presence of a mother next to him. For a long 9 months, the baby is used to hearing the beat of the mother's heart every minute, to be constantly with her. The moment of birth can be perceived as loneliness, abandonment. This incomprehensible condition can cause fear in the child, and he reacts with crying and anxiety.

Important! Do not leave the baby alone in the room for a long time, more often pick up and caress. Gradually, he will get used to the new conditions of existence and calm down.

Dangerous insomnia

Why does a baby sleep poorly and is difficult to put in a crib? Sometimes constant insomnia can be a signal of a baby's nervous illness. If the child cannot be laid down, he breaks down from crying and turns blue (usually, the triangle from the nose to the chin turns blue), you should immediately contact a pediatric neurologist. Only he can make the diagnosis.

You should also show the child to the doctor if he is without apparent reasons does not sleep all day or wakes up every hour at night even after a hearty meal. The reasons why a month-old baby does not sleep can be hidden symptoms of a dysfunction of the body. Only a thorough examination will help to identify them.

Why does this happen, and where does a baby get a nervous disease from? The cause is difficult childbirth, during which the brain tissue is injured and oxygen deficiency occurs. The consequences of difficult childbirth are manifested in the inferiority of the development of the body. Therefore, the baby does not sleep well at night, wakes up every hour, it is impossible to put him to bed, and he is capricious all day long.

Do not seek to calm the baby with sleeping pills! Chronic insomnia may not be caused by a harmful nature, but by a latent disease.

The kid sleeps a lot

Does your baby constantly sleep and miss an hour of feeding, and this happens every day? If at the same time he is calm and gaining weight well, you should not worry. It is not recommended to wake him up at the appointed hour of feeding every time: he will calmly eat when he wakes up.

If the baby looks weak, eats poorly and sleeps every day for many hours in a row, this may be a signal of pathology. In this case, the dormouse must be woken up in the afternoon at the hour of feeding and given nutritious food. Lack of weight due to malnutrition can cause developmental abnormalities.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Article last updated: 05/01/2019

The question often arises about how much a newborn should sleep. Many mothers are worried - why does the child sleep little, what are the reasons, how to fix this problem? And how do you know if the baby actually sleeps a little, or is this a variant of the norm?

The question "a lot or a little" is relative. Little is how much? Perhaps the child sleeps not a little, but restlessly and intermittently. In addition, this fact will upset or please the parents, but modern children have objectively less hours of sleep. Pediatric science has recognized this phenomenon as the norm.

When is a neurologist's consultation necessary?

In any case, if a mother thinks that her child sleeps little, it is necessary to show him to a neurologist. The duration of the periods of sleep and wakefulness directly depends on the state of the central nervous system (central nervous system) of the baby.

Many neurological pathologies lead to sleep disturbances. If not in quantity, then in quality. Problems found in time are easier to fix.

A number of neurological problems can be easily corrected before the age of one year, especially if the mother turns in the first month of the baby's life, and it is much more difficult to do it at a later age. Neurological problems are bad because if you have them once, it will be difficult to say goodbye, there is also a chance of exacerbation in a stressful situation or when the child reaches puberty.

Modern view of newborn sleep duration

If a few decades ago it was believed that a newborn's sleep should be at least 21 hours a day, then at the moment the norm is about 16 hours a day.

  • A night's sleep in the first months of life should account for 9 to 11 hours of total sleep time.
  • Up to six months, the baby should sleep 4 times during the day, in the interval of 6-9 months - 3 times and after 9 months for one and a half years - 2 times. The duration of each sleep should be between 1.5 hours and 2 hours.

At the same time, according to the Union of Pediatricians of Russia:

  • At least one day's sleep should be 1.5 hours, and the rest can be within 40 minutes;
  • The total sleep duration should be within 16-20 hours for a newborn.

The main signs of sleep disturbance

There are many misconceptions among mothers about the sleep of a newborn.

Erroneous judgment: consider that the baby is only eating, sleeping and pooping, and mostly sleeping. Even if we are not talking about a baby, but about a newborn. The child begins to know the world around him from the first seconds of life. He perceives the world differently than adults (and color, sound, and objects for a newborn are different than for an adult person and even an older child). But this does not hinder the healthy curiosity of the crumbs. He looks with interest at everything that comes into his field of vision.

Correct judgment: Normally, newborns sleep most of the day.

The main signs of sleep disturbance in infants:

  1. The total number of hours a newborn sleeps is less than 15 hours;
  2. The child is in a state of clear wakefulness for more than 5 hours in a row (not only does not sleep, but also does not sleep);
  3. The child sleeps restlessly, waking up every 5-15 minutes. It is difficult to put him down, he is in a state of overexcitation for a long time.

Why does your child sleep little? In order to answer this question, you need a full-time consultation with a pediatrician and a neurologist. Specialists should check all possible deviations and, based on this, identify the cause.

If the baby is fed with mother's milk, it is better to give the breast on demand, and not by the hour. The child himself is able to ration his food. If he sucks on one breast and cries, you can let him suck on the other. If he eats, falls asleep calmly, and does not spit up more than the norm, then he was hungry, this was the reason for the bad sleep.

If the baby sleeps more than 4 hours in the daytime, it is advisable to wake him up and feed him.

Intestinal colic

The accumulation of gas and intestinal colic bother all babies. In some, in the process of adapting the intestines to food and populating it with beneficial microflora, even constipation develops. Pain and bloating make it difficult for you to sleep. The baby must be laid out on the tummy - this stimulates peristalsis and facilitates the passage of feces and gases. If the baby is very restless, pediatricians advise carminative remedies.

High room temperature

Why do children wake up from the heat? Infants have an immature thermoregulation system, therefore they react very poorly to elevated temperature environment... A comfortable range for them is 22-25 ° C.

If the room is cool, then it is better to dress the baby warmer than to turn on the heaters.

Dry and dusty air leads to swelling of the nasal mucosa, its cracks and increased symptoms of a physiological rhinitis. In this case, the child does not rest fully and often wakes up.

Neurological diseases

Neurological disorders, such as increased intracranial pressure, as stated above, strongly affect the processes of excitation and inhibition, and the state of the child's nervous system depends on his ability to have a full and high-quality sleep.


In some cases, if the parents abuse drugs, alcohol or tobacco, the child may sleep very poorly. With an intrauterine infection, the baby's brain may suffer, this affects the quality of his sleep.

When a child falls ill, his temperature rises, something hurts, he cannot sleep, he cries and is capricious. If rhinitis develops, the nasal passages become blocked or crusty, it becomes difficult to breathe. Falling asleep in this state is problematic. The baby will fall asleep, but not enough sleep, wake up often.

Physical irritants

In the first months of life, the child does not react too emotionally to stimuli associated with noise or light. And, nevertheless, too loud music, flashes of light from the headlights of passing cars (especially if the apartment is on the first floor), sharp claps can disrupt the baby's sleep, form negative associations for falling asleep.


The child fell asleep normally, mom put him in the crib and left. After 10-15 minutes the baby wakes up. Why is this happening? He misses mom's warmth, the pounding of her heart, her scent. This is not a violation; in the first months of life, a newborn especially needs the presence of mother and her love. A mobile playpen or cocoon can solve the problem if mom needs to get busy.

What if the baby is healthy but does not sleep well?

If the mother believes that the problem of poor sleep is related to the physical condition of the child, then it should be shown to the pediatrician. The doctor will either refute mommy's fears, or refer her to a narrow specialist for consultation.

But in any case, whether the baby is healthy or sick, maintaining a comfortable microclimate significantly improves the child's condition both during sleep and during wakefulness. Those. the room where the newborn is located should have an air temperature in the range of 22-25 ° C and a humidity of about 60%.

If the air is too dry, you can purchase a humidifier or put an open container of water in the room. Wet cleaning helps a lot.

If the room is too humid, you need to ventilate more often and buy a device that removes excess moisture from the air.

Frequent ventilation is recommended in any case. Also, try to minimize the amount of dust accumulating items in your child's room. The category of "dust collectors" includes carpets, heavy curtains, soft toys, upholstered furniture.

If a child has a labile nervous system and is very excitable, then an hour before bedtime you need to give up active games, loud music and other actions that excite the child.

Care must be taken to ensure that the child does not overwork. If the baby is overworked, it will be difficult for him to sleep.

A good day's sleep also contributes to quality rest at night. If the baby does not sleep well during the day, you can take him out in the stroller for a walk and roll. Most children sleep wonderfully outdoors. You can even recommend such walks with a nap in the winter, when it is not too windy and frosty outside and the child is dressed appropriately.

Why does a newborn sleep little? This question is asked by many mothers who have given birth to their first baby. Sometimes they don't know anything about him. How much he should sleep, eat, stay awake - these and other issues now and then appear on the agenda. One of these problems is why a newborn sleeps little. We will tell you how much a healthy baby should sleep day and night, and also give advice on how to improve the sleep of babies in the first month of life.

Some mothers don't know anything about their baby. Sometimes it seems to them that he sleeps very little. Although in fact the numbers are quite within the norm. So how much should a newborn baby sleep?

Pediatric neonatologists - specialists in newborn babies - say that crumbs in the first month of life should sleep for about 18-20 hours. This segment is divided approximately in half between day and night: 9-10 hours. The periods of wakefulness are not too long. They are mainly spent on food and hygiene.

The older the baby gets, the less sleep he needs. During the day, children sleep less and less, and the main rest begins to shift towards the dark.

It's not scary if the real figure differs from the norm by an hour or two in one direction or another. For example, if a child slept 16 hours a day, this is not a reason to panic. All babies are different from birth. Some of them initially need a little less sleep than everyone else. This is normal and does not require treatment. You need to be wary if the sleep time deviates significantly from the norm: by three or more hours. It becomes a cause for concern if the newborn does not sleep at all during the day, or, conversely, at night. Let's look at the most common causes of sleep disorders in infants and tell you how to fix them.

Newborn babies sleep almost around the clock. Their periods of wakefulness are very short. Sleep is necessary for the baby for the proper development of the nervous system. As they get older, children sleep much less.

First you need to make sure that the child does not have enough sleep time. Sometimes it seems to mom that the child is not sleeping at all. This impression is formed when the baby falls asleep for short periods of time - 15-30 minutes. Then he wakes up and has to be fed and laid again. The hardest thing for a mother is if the baby prefers to be at the breast during sleep. However, if you add all these lengths of time together, it becomes clear that the total sleep time is not that small. Some children, falling asleep each time for no more than 15 minutes, thus manage to fulfill the daily norm of sleep. This is rare, but it happens. If this is your case, you just need to be patient. When the baby grows up, he will sleep longer, and fall asleep without the slightest effort.

If calculations have shown that sleep is really not enough, you need to take measures to normalize it. What could be the reasons?

These reasons are the main factors that interfere with the sleep of a newborn baby. Below are some recommendations on how to make your child sleep more soundly.

If problems persist, contact your pediatrician for help. Rarely, but it happens that you need a doctor's help.

Most often, infant sleep disorders are associated with inappropriate conditions. Try to keep your newborn comfortable while sleeping. So the baby will rest on his own and give his mother a rest.

We have found out the reasons why a newborn baby sleeps little. What should be done to eliminate them?

As you can see, getting a newborn to sleep well is not that difficult. If all the recommendations are followed, and there is no improvement, contact your pediatrician. You may need professional help.

The most important thing is to provide a comfortable sleeping environment. All kids are different. Watch your baby carefully. This will help you understand what helps him fall asleep.

For many parents, naps are the hardest part of learning to sleep. When a child does not sleep during the day or sleeps very badly during the day, it is very tiring for parents, they do not have time to do their business and even get a little respite.

Many parents are unaware of the fact that daytime sleep improves only after a night's sleep. And they believe in these myths about daytime sleep:

  • You need to wind the child harder, not let him sleep, then he will sleep better at night
  • The child needs to play until he falls asleep by himself
  • Does the child not sleep during the day? Sleep well at night!

We ourselves have heard about all these myths more than once, but we know for sure that in practice they do not work. In fact, a child who is rested during the day will sleep well at night.

Daytime and night dreams interrelated. And what better baby sleeps at night, the better his daytime sleep. Conversely, a child who is under-sleep and overworked during the day will sleep worse at night.

If you understand that you need help in setting up your baby's sleep during the day, you can always turn to our team for help within We will analyze your "sleep pattern", together with you we will check the conditions in which your child sleeps, we will select a comfortable mode sleep and wakefulness, build a relaxing sleep preparation and teach your baby to fall asleep on his own!

A new mother always has a lot of worries. It is not in vain that when replenishing in the family they wish quiet nights, because kids rarely let their parents sleep. And when a newborn child does not sleep well all day and does not allow him to rest at night, then the mother has no time to do household chores, pay attention to her husband, and even really put herself in order. Why can a baby have an anxious and shallow sleep? How much do babies sleep and how to normalize sleep patterns?

Sleep duration in infants

Often, even in the maternity hospital, young mothers ask pediatricians how much a baby can sleep per day?

In the first three months, a newborn baby sleeps for about 18-20 hours. Each organism is different, and the sleep time in children varies from 16 to 20 hours. See newborn sleep rates by month.

Until the regime of the day is formed, these hours are evenly distributed over the whole day. But much depends on the state of health and temperament of the baby. Temperament and biological rhythm are laid in the womb. During pregnancy, a woman needs to follow the correct daily regimen. Fall asleep before midnight and wake up in the morning, not at noon. After all, the baby already forms habits, and after birth he will lead the rhythm of life the same as that of his mother.

If a newborn child feels well, he is not worried about painful symptoms (colic, runny nose, intracranial pressure), then he can sleep peacefully for several hours. Then the waking hour will come, which will again be replaced by sleep. The baby can sleep very soundly, without waking up, even when the next feeding time comes.

When a child sleeps for more than five hours, this is an alarming symptom of nervous disorders and other diseases. Better to consult a pediatrician.

In the first months of life, healthy sleep compensates for the lack of food. If sleep is limited to four hours, there is no need to wake the newborn. When he wakes up, he will have a good meal and will be in a great mood.

It happens that a newborn does not sleep well at night and during the day. You need to pay attention to this, as with excessively prolonged sleep. The main thing is to identify the cause and try to eliminate it.

Causes of Poor Sleep in Children

Many factors affect the depth and duration of a newborn's sleep. It is unlikely that he will sleep when the diaper has leaked, the diapers are crumpled under the delicate back, and in the next room there is a loud hammer knocking.

Baby sleep occurs in two stages:

  • fast (surface) phase;
  • deep.

When falling asleep, a fast phase begins. If the baby was rocked in his arms before, and they tried to put it in the crib when he just closed his eyes, most likely he will shudder, wake up, and start crying. And if you vilify and shake it a little longer, a deep phase will come. The body, arms and legs will relax. Then you can safely put it to bed, and even turn it over on its side.

Bad sleep, in which the deep phase does not come or comes for a long time, can be for several reasons.

Intestinal colic

When feeding from the third week of life, the baby can swallow air, causing painful colic. Therefore, it is important to lay the newborn on the tummy before eating, lift it up in a column after each feeding and stroke the back so that it can burp. Colic annoys babies for 3-4 months, then, if there are no pathologies, this phenomenon passes.

You can apply a warm diaper or heating pad to the baby's tummy, massage it clockwise, and if gas formation is strong, apply a gas tube. You can successfully overcome the trouble with dill water. It is purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home from dill seeds.

Unsettled day and night regime

When a newborn baby walks at night, plays and is awake, and sleeps soundly during the day, this means that his biological clock is not worked out correctly. You need to introduce him to the normal regime of the day, walk more often on the street, do gymnastics and light massage. In the evening, baths with soothing herbs and laying at the same time are required. Parents will need to spend a lot of effort and patience until the child's sleep returns to normal.

Unfavorable external factors

Factors affecting the sleep of a newborn baby include:

  1. Psychological atmosphere. After giving birth, women feel depressed, irritable, anxious, nervous. Quarrels, unexpected complications, stressful situations may arise in the family. In appearance, a small, ignorant child, sensitively feels all the negative aspects of the life of the parents and this negatively affects his sleep. After all, the emotional connection between mother and child during this period is extremely high.
  2. Wet diapers or an overflowing diaper can cause discomfort, diaper rash, pruritus and rashes on the newborn's skin. This is inconvenient for the baby. Dry, lubricated with high-quality baby creams or ointments, the bottom is the key to a sound sleep in a baby. It is important to choose clothes according to the season, do not entangle the baby, and in hot weather leave him in thin cotton clothes, covering him with a thin diaper during sleep.
  3. Excitement, overwork, intense excitement, vivid emotions, new people, loud music affect the child's sleep. It is better not to accept guests until the baby grows up and gets stronger. In the evening, it is advisable to dim the bright light, to provide peace and quiet, so that no anxieties would prevent the baby from eating and sleeping peacefully.
  4. Thirst. Babies do not sleep well, feeling thirsty. From her, a breastfed baby will be saved by her mother's front milk, and artificial babies by a bottle of water.

Room temperature

The temperature and freshness of the air directly affect the sleep of newborns. In the heat and stuffiness, any person does not sleep well, not to mention the kids. The best temperature in the nursery 18-22 degrees, humidity - 60%... If you open the window before bed and ventilate the room for 15 minutes, the child's sleep will come faster and deeper. In winter, 10 minutes is enough for complete ventilation.

Illness and poor sleep

If you exclude external stimuli, and the baby does not sleep well and is often naughty, it means that he is sick.

If a newborn is naughty, does not sleep well at night and during the day, is reluctant to eat, losing weight, this is a reason to see a doctor. He will prescribe an examination, make the correct diagnosis and determine the course of treatment. It is impossible to self-medicate in such cases. You can aggravate the situation, start the disease, which will entail serious complications.

How to set your baby up to sleep

No need to worry if, for no apparent reason, the baby does not sleep well at night. Until the age of three, children wake up and fall asleep several times a night. This is normal.

Mom needs to help the child to normalize sleep:

  • Satiety

Hunger often causes sleep disturbances with frequent awakenings. With breastfeeding, feedings between 3 and 8 am are considered the most important. Then the hormone prolactin is produced, which is responsible for milk production. By applying more often to the baby's breast at night, mom will be able to provide him with a sufficient amount of milk during the day.

  • Continuous mode

Set up for sleep. You need to act in the same way every day at the same time. Walking first, then bathing, feeding and rocking in a relaxed environment. The baby will quickly get used to such a regime, and soon he will start to be capricious himself if mommy gets off schedule. \u003e\u003e What to do if a child confuses day with night

  • Avoid overwork

When a newborn baby is tired, it can fall asleep if it is rocked and fed. But sometimes the parents let him "go out". Nervous system the baby is overexcited, the baby begins to play around, play, actively explore the world. After that, it will be difficult to lay him down, and his sleep will be weak.

  • Create amenities

Without special need, you do not need to turn on bright lighting in the room, make noise or knock when the baby falls asleep. Silence, the presence of mother, her warmth, smell, breast with milk are ideal conditions for falling asleep and restful sleep of newborns. Sleeping with a baby is not acceptable to many families and doctors. Here the choice lies with the parents. In this case, it is advisable to place the crib near the parent's bed.

You can sing a lullaby, rock the baby, sit next to it, if it is accepted to fall asleep without being on your hands. If the baby needs to be laid during the day, you can darken the windows with blinds or curtains. In the semi-darkness, the baby will fall asleep faster.

When the baby starts to wake up, you don't need to rush to the crib right away. A newborn baby can lie down for a few minutes and fall asleep again. And having made sudden movements, touching him, trying to lift him in his arms and rock him, Mom will finally wake him up, dispelling his sleep.

7 secrets to a safe and restful baby sleep