Pink lichen from what appears how to treat. Pink versicolor of Gibert

8 leading symptoms and 3 stages of treatment for pink lichen

Of the many dermatoses, it is worth highlighting one, which is to some extent a "dark horse" (in the classical manifestation, an absolutely simple clinical picture, still not clear etiology and resolution of symptoms). This disease is called "lichen rosacea" or "Gibert's pink lichen" (in 1960, the first to describe the classic clinic and gave the name to the disease by the French physician Gibert).

What is lichen rosacea

Pink lichen is a common dermatological disease, which is characterized by an independent resolution of the clinic, not an acute developmental process, the initial formation of a "maternal plaque" (solitary, oval, scaly dermatosis, which often does not cause discomfort); further formation of similar plaques within 7 - 10 days, most often of smaller size, with a special arrangement (along the skin lines of the body, thereby resembling a Christmas tree).


There is no correlation between the development of lichen rosacea and race and age. The main factors are climatic conditions and gender. There is a positive increase in the incidence in spring and autumn (observations are typical for the CIS countries, but not for countries with tropical and subtropical climates).

Most studies have found a greater predisposition to the disease in women than in men.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Of all the causes of pink lichen, a viral infection is proven. A number of facts confirm this.

  1. Clinical similarity with viral eruptions.
  2. Rare recurrence of the disease.
  3. Appearance at a certain time of the year.
  4. Disease outbreaks reported in selected population groups.

Numerous studies highlight causes such as allergic diseases, bacterial and viral infections. The most reliable information is that lichen rosacea is a reactivation of the herpes virus of 6 or / and 7 types.


Pink lichen is a common non-inflammatory dermatological disease that occurs without relapse. The nature of this pathology is still not fully known. Since it occurs more often in the spring, a viral etiology is suggested. Skin changes have a characteristic pattern and, in typical cases, a certain localization. A full clinic develops within 10 days and lasts no more than 10 weeks.

At the moment, a therapy has been developed aimed at accelerating the resolution of the clinical picture and preventing complications. Despite the fact that the above information may coincide with your history, it is necessary to consult a specialist for the differential diagnosis with other dermatological diseases and the appointment of an individual treatment plan.

Pink lichen in children

Pink lichen in a child often occurs after a cold. The peak of the incidence occurs in the off-season, when the risk of encountering one of the factors provoking the disease - hypothermia or overheating - is higher. Pink lichen always develops against the background of a weakened immune system. It is not confused with other dermatological pathologies due to one characteristic feature - the maternal plaque. A large pink spot with a well-defined border around the edge is formed first, after which the child's skin is covered with similar spots, but smaller.

Causes of the disease

Pink lichen (Gibert's disease) is a dermatological disease of an infectious and allergic nature. Modern medicine until now does not give a clear answer why lichen develops in newborns and infants during the first year of life, as well as in adolescents, as well as in adults.

Pink lichen in an infant rarely occurs due to maternal immunity. Much more often the disease is diagnosed in children aged 5 to 12 years and adults aged 20 to 40 years.

The disease starts after infection - after a virus (herpes of 6 and 7 types) or a bacterium (streptococcus) enters the body, and plaques and a rash on the skin result from an allergic reaction of the body to these agents.

The ingestion of a pathogen in the body is the trigger that triggers dermatosis. And its development occurs against the background of an allergic reaction arising in the body. Additional provoking factors are connected to the primary causes of pink lichen:

  • decreased immunity against the background of transferred infectious diseases;
  • hypothermia (walking in windy weather, a draft in the room, sitting on a cold surface, swimming in cold water);
  • overheating (excessive sun exposure);
  • an adverse reaction of the body during the vaccination process;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract, against the background of which digestive disorders occur - diarrhea or constipation;
  • mechanical damage to the skin (during active games, the child fell, received a bruise and abrasions);
  • metabolic disorders against the background of thyroid diseases;
  • insect bite and subsequent allergic reaction;
  • severe stress.

How to understand that a baby has pink lichen

For the pink type of lichen, both young children and adolescents are characterized by an acute onset of the disease.

Pink lichen in babies may appear as an allergy to certain foods. Signs of lichen - pink spots - can appear with the start of the first feeding or the transition to artificial feeding.

  1. In the area of chest a bright pink medallion with a diameter of up to 5 cm begins to form, its edges are uneven, the skin is peeling around the entire perimeter.
  2. The formation of the first maternal plaque may be preceded by severe weakness, body aches.
  3. After the first large pink patch - the maternal plaque - one or two more may form.
  4. Pink lichen in babies primarily affects the skin of the abdomen and thighs. Additional large plaques may form in these areas, and after a week the skin of the abdomen, back and limbs begins to become covered with many small round and oval specks.
  5. Lichen may appear on the face of a child, but the rashes are always located along Langer's lines (conditional lines on the surface of human skin, indicating the places where the skin is most elastic and is able to stretch to the maximum).
  6. Within 3-5 days, small pink spots actively increase in size, most of them reach 2 cm in diameter, they do not merge with each other.
  7. After a couple of days in the center, the spots become yellowish, and along the edges they remain the same bright pink, the affected skin areas peel off.
  8. New spots continue to appear and grow for another two weeks, accompanied by skin itching, in some cases very severe, so it is important to make sure that the baby does not scratch the plaques.
  9. After that, a healing period begins - the bright pink medallions lose their color, the peeling disappears.
  10. In place of pink plaques, pigmented areas remain, but even in these places the skin quickly restores its natural color.

Pink lichen is not contagious, but it delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations, since the rash will bother the baby for several weeks. The maximum duration of the course of the disease is up to one and a half months. After that, all symptoms go away, and the child acquires lifelong immunity.

How to treat dermatosis in children of different ages

Treatment of pink lichen at home in a child, depending on the propensity to allergic reactions and on the current condition immune system is symptomatic. As soon as the child's immunity returns to normal, the symptoms in the form of pink spots quickly disappear. The pediatrician should select an individual course of treatment.

It is simply dangerous to treat pink lichen in a child on your own, hoping that the symptoms will somehow pass away, for a number of reasons:

  • 25% of total of diagnosed cases of lichen rosacea accompanied by severe itching. For a baby with delicate skin, especially in the first year of his life, this will cause especially severe discomfort, and strong scratching in the places of rashes can result in the addition of a secondary bacterial infection and suppuration of the affected areas.
  • It will be difficult for parents to diagnose the disease on their own. Despite the pronounced symptoms, lichen pink can be confused with other skin pathologies that have similar manifestations (measles, rubella, psoriasis, versicolor versicolor).
  • If the child's immune system is all right, then as soon as the body's defenses are strengthened, a complete recovery will come. But with weak immunity, the first outbreak of the disease may be followed by several more over the next six months.

From the moment the first symptoms appear until the end of the course of the disease, the task of parents is to provide proper care for the baby's skin and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for treatment.

To ease the course of dermatosis and speed up the healing process of the rash, you can:

  • Hypoallergenic diet. Citrus fruits, chocolate, honey, chicken eggs, fish, fish, nuts and other products are excluded from the child's menu, if the baby has an individual intolerance to them.
  • Correct baby hygiene. It is necessary to regularly (no more than once a day, constant contact with water can negatively affect the skin affected by the rash) to bathe it in warm water. Instead of the usual shampoos and soaps, use medicinal cosmetics recommended by the attending physician (these include birch tar and zinc).
  • Temporary refusal of diapers. During the period of exacerbation of pink lichen in young children, the skin can rebuke, so it is important to keep it clean and dry.
  • Frequent change of clothes and preference for loose-fitting wardrobe items made from natural fabrics. Places of pink plaques and rashes should have access to air, the fabric should not squeeze or rub them.
  • Temporary refusal to visit the pool and bath. In the first case, the risk of increased rashes of pink lichen can provoke bleach, in the second, the temperature difference can aggravate the course of the disease - overheating in the steam room, hypothermia in a cold pool.

Safe medicines

Correctly selected ointment for pink lichen in children leads to symptom relief already on the second day. In the early days of the disease, agents can be prescribed that prevent the spread of the pathogen, reduce skin rashes, relieve itching:

  • Erythromycin ointment. It is prescribed only in case of complications - re-infection of the affected areas and the occurrence of suppuration.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. For children, it is used, but in shorter courses than for adult patients.
  • Salicylic zinc paste (Lassar paste).
  • Lorinden A. Not used for small children, and for adolescents - short courses and strictly according to indications.
  • Flucinar. Applied in case of emergency for children over 2 years of age and in a short course, not for babies.

It is not recommended to choose an ointment or use creams for children on your own. The attending physician should select the remedy and the duration of its administration.

In the form of tablets are prescribed:

  • Acyclovir, which activates immunity and blocks the spread of the pink lichen pathogen;
  • Tavegil when severe itching occurs;
  • activated carbon and other sorbents (Polysorb, Enterosgel) in order to cleanse the body;
  • Suprastin to stop an allergic reaction.

In the form of drops, Zyrtec can be prescribed, which removes allergic manifestations on the skin and the severity of the rash. If the baby's plaques and small spots itch strongly, use the antiseptics Fukortsin and Skin-cap. These funds relieve unpleasant symptoms well and prevent wound infection.


Folk remedies for pink lichen are effective as an adjunct to the main course. Any of the prescriptions for the treatment of a child are used only after agreement with the doctor. The most effective traditional medicines are:

  • Tar plus butter. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. Before going to bed, apply the mixture to the places of large rashes and fix it with a plaster. In the morning, the compress is removed and the skin is gently washed with warm water. It is used at the stage of healing of rashes, since tar helps to dry the skin.
  • Buckwheat plus water. 50 g of cereals are boiled with 200 ml of pure water. The porridge is moved into a separate container, and the broth is cooled and used to wipe the pink lichen rash.
  • Paper plus fire. A sheet of white paper is burned on a saucer, the ashes are mixed with a few drops of water and the rash is rubbed.

Disease prevention

Zhyber pink lichen in children develops with weakened immunity. Therefore, the main task of prevention is to strengthen it, as well as to protect the child from factors provoking the development of the disease.

If the baby is diagnosed with pink lichen, then you need to put him (or, if breastfeeding, yourself) on a ten-day diet. Do not eat: sweets, eggs, spices, nuts, drink coffee. Limit: buckwheat, potatoes, legumes, rye and wheat. Moderately eat fruits: watermelons, bananas, currants and peaches.

The basics of preventing Gibert's disease in children:

  • Balanced diet. If the daily menu provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, the body's defenses will be enough to resist the attacks of pathogens.
  • Sufficient amount of liquid. If the child drinks enough water, the body is naturally cleansed. This reduces the risk of allergic reactions and the accumulation of toxins in the body, creating favorable conditions for the development of skin diseases.
  • Formation of healthy eating habits. Do not overload the child's diet with heavy meals, too fatty, pickles and pickles, smoked sausages and semi-finished products. Chips, crackers, sweet soda - all this is on the list of taboo for those who do not want to face allergic diseases over time.
  • Learn to be friends with the sun. Control how long your child is in the sun. In small doses, ultraviolet light is good for the skin, and with pink lichen it is even recommended to take 10-15 minutes of sunbathing at safe hours - at eight to eleven in the morning and from four to six in the evening. The rest of the time, in order to avoid burns, is best spent in the shade or indoors.
  • Use only personal hygiene items. The child should have his own washcloth for bathing (during an exacerbation of the disease it is better not to use it at all, so as not to injure the skin affected by the rash) and personal towels. It is better not to share them with any family member in order to prevent infection with viruses or bacteria that provoke pink lichen.

A healthy lifestyle and sufficient physical activity will support the defenses of the growing child's body and help prevent not only lichen rosacea, but also other common skin pathologies.

Pink lichen in humans: causes and treatment, photo

Gibert's pink lichen (peeling roseola) is an acute inflammatory skin disease of a suspected infectious nature.

Most often children over 2 years old, adolescents and young people suffer from it. It is extremely rare in infants and people over 40 years of age. The spring and autumn periods are the most dangerous in terms of disease.

The incidence of lichen rosacea is low and amounts to less than 1% of the world's population per year. The main danger of the disease is irritation and the addition of an allergic component with inadequate therapy or improper skin care. Experts believe that the disease is viral in nature, and it is caused by a type of viral herpes.

In this article, we will talk about lichen pink, see detailed photos, and also learn the first signs of the disease and current methods of treating lichen at home.

Causes of occurrence

Why does pink lichen arise, and what is it? Zhiber's disease is considered an infectious disease, but the causative agent of dermatosis has not yet been identified. Most researchers are of the opinion that this is a viral disease, possibly the causative agent of the herpes virus type VII or VI.

Usually the disease occurs during the season of colds and infections, often provoked by a recent sore throat or SARS, a theory is put forward that lichen rosacea is caused by one of the herpes viruses. Pink lichen is provoked by severe stress, hypovitaminosis, skin injuries, colds, chronic diseases, allergies.

It is also impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether pink lichen is contagious. In theory, it is a contagious disease that is transmitted through physical contact or airborne droplets. However, in practice, this dermatosis is characterized by low contagiousness (degree of infectiousness), in order for Gibert's disease to develop in a healthy person, the presence of provoking factors is necessary.

Symptoms of pink lichen in humans

When pink lichen occurs, the symptoms in a person make themselves felt in the form of characteristic rashes on the skin. In this regard, in the vast majority of patients with lichen pink, redness begins with 1-3 maternal plaques of bright pink color, with a scaly surface and up to 4-5 cm in diameter.

Some patients with lichen rosacea may notice slight itching or discomfort in places of plaque formation, but for the most part, except for spots on the skin, there are no other complaints. Often, in the active period of the rash, there may be a slight increase in temperature, malaise and a reaction of the cervical or submandibular lymph nodes.

After 7-10 days, many small spots of "children" of pinkish or pinkish-yellow color appear on the chest, back and extremities. The rash is most profuse on the sides of the trunk, back, shoulders and hips. The elements are characterized by a peculiar peeling in the center of the spots, reminiscent of crumpled tissue paper, which gives the impression of a decoration - a "medallion".

On average, new elements can be added for about 2-3 weeks, then their reverse development occurs with a gradual blanching, disappearance and areas of reduced pigmentation in the places where the plaque was originally, although there may be hyperpigmented fragments.

The average duration of the disease with pink lichen is 6-9 weeks, and it passes even without active treatment, usually does not relapse. Sometimes atypical manifestations of lichen rosacea with a blistering or bumpy rash can occur, they last a little longer.

What does pink lichen look like in humans: photo

In the detailed photos presented below, you can see how the rash looks with pink lichen on the skin of a person.

During pregnancy

Transferred lichen rosacea on early dates pregnancy increases the risk of spontaneous abortion and has a negative impact on the development of the fetus. Often, expectant mothers suffering from pityriasis complain of symptoms that are unusual for this disease:

  • severe headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased fatigue.


Pink lichen is diagnosed visually, by the appearance of the skin. At the same time, the disease can be difficult to distinguish from the manifestations of psoriasis, rubella, syphilitic roseola, pityriasis versicolor. To clarify the diagnosis, appoint general analysis blood and urine, take a scraping, perform a serological test.


With improper treatment, its absence or immunodeficiency conditions, lichen rosacea can turn into more severe forms, for example, Vidal's ring-shaped lichen. It is characterized by the appearance of large spots and tends to become chronic. May recur for several years.

Treatment of pink lichen in humans

When a rash of pink lichen appears on the skin, no specific treatment is prescribed. Most often, this type of deprivation in a person goes away on its own, without the use of traditional medicine or medicines. After recovery, pale pigmented spots remain on the skin for some time, but then they also disappear.

In order for the spots to disappear faster, you need to adhere to a number of simple rules at home:

  1. During illness, you should refuse to take a bath, it is better to use only a shower, and to wash, use mild detergents that do not dry out the skin.
  2. It is unacceptable to expose the skin with clear signs of the development of pink lichen to direct sunlight.
  3. It is advisable to abandon synthetic clothing and underwear, which can only aggravate the inflammatory process.
  4. Need to limit physical exerciseavoid overheating.
  5. It is recommended to follow a certain diet that excludes spicy, smoked, pickled, alcohol and coffee. Allergenic foods such as honey, eggs, fish, citrus fruits and juices, chocolate, nuts are also excluded.

If a patient with lichen rosacea is itching, then antihistamine agents, such as Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadin, Ksizal, Erius, can be prescribed. Also, with exacerbation of pink lichen, antibiotic treatment is prescribed, for example, "Erythromycin".

To strengthen immunity, you can take multivitamin complexes (Complivit, Alphabet, Vitrum, Biomax) and natural immunostimulants (Echinacea, Schisandra). Do not forget about general strengthening procedures, such as hardening, staying in the fresh air and regular exercise.

Pink lichen ointment

As a rule, ointments are not used in the treatment of pink lichen, since in most cases the rashes go away on their own. But if the disease is severe or there are constant exacerbations of the disease, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics in the form of ointments or corticosteroids.

  • Sinalar is a combined preparation of an antibacterial substance and a glucocorticoid that relieves itching, inflammation and swelling. The ointment brightens and softens the skin.
  • Lorinden A is a salicylic acid steroid that relieves itching and swelling. Reduces scaling of lichen plaques, eliminates inflammation and inhibits allergies.
  • Flucinar is an anti-allergic hormonal medication that relieves itching and solves the problem of peeling of roseola foci. Removes plaque from scales and improves the color of integuments.

In addition to ointments for the treatment of external manifestations of lichen, the Zindol suspension based on zinc is used. The product dries up the skin, reduces inflammation and itching, and prevents the growth of microorganisms. The suspension is rubbed onto the affected skin 1-2 times a day.

A good effect is given by the use of salicylic alcohol or rhizorcin solution. These funds have a pronounced antiseptic effect and prevent the development of complications. It is recommended to wipe the skin with solutions 3 times a day.

How to treat lichen pink with folk remedies

Before you start using traditional medicine recipes, you should consult a dermatologist. Self-treatment may not bring relief, and lichen rosacea will be complicated by an associated infection.

Here are recipes that can be used for lichen rosacea:

  1. Celandine tincture helps to relieve the symptoms of the disease. For its preparation, flowers and leaves of celandine are poured with vodka. Insist twenty days. Take before meals, 0.5 teaspoon.
  2. Golden mustache. Tincture from this plant can be made at home, or can be purchased at the pharmacy. Also, for treatment, fresh leaves of a golden mustache are used, which are previously ground into gruel. From a freshly prepared mixture or a purchased tincture, you must make daily lotions.
  3. Calendula ointment is considered a good remedy. You can cook it yourself. To do this, calendula flowers in the amount of 10 grams are ground to a powdery state and mixed with 50 grams of petroleum jelly. The ointment obtained as a result of these manipulations is applied to the site of the rash three times a day.
  4. Aloe. Squeeze the juice from the plant or purchase it ready-made. Consume orally on a spoon before meals for two weeks.
  5. Paper "resin". Roll a cone from a sheet of white paper and put it on a saucer. Set the upper part of the cone on fire and wait until the paper completely burns out. Use the plaque formed on the plate to lubricate spots with pink lichen.

So that in the future you do not have to look for a way to treat lichen rosacea, take care of strengthening the immune system, only he can help you avoid getting acquainted with this disease. This is due to the fact that no methods have yet been developed that could prevent the development of the disease, since the nature of its occurrence has not yet been determined.


The outcome of treatment for pink lichen is almost always favorable. Difficulty can arise only if the disease has led to serious complications.

Lichen pink

Initially, most people develop one large, scaly plaque (maternal plaque), and within 1 to 2 weeks, small pink patches may develop on the trunk, arms, and legs.

Image courtesy of the Public Health Image Library of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Lichen rosus is characterized by the initial appearance of a maternal plaque 2–10 cm in diameter, followed by centripetal eruptions, represented by oval papules and plaques with a slightly raised margin, usually oriented along the skin tension lines.

Pink lichen develops most often at the age of 10–35 years. More often affects women. The cause may be a viral infection (some studies have shown a role for human herpesvirus types 6, 7 and 8). Medications can cause rashes that are clinically similar to RL.

Clinical manifestations

Classically, the disease begins with the appearance of a single main focus, resembling a medallion with a diameter of 2 to 10 cm on the skin of the trunk or proximal parts of the extremities. Within 7-14 days, common centripetal rashes appear, represented by papules and plaques of pink or yellow-brown color with a diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm. The edge of these rashes is scaly, slightly raised (lace collar), resembles ringworm (trichophytosis of smooth skin) ... Most patients have itching, sometimes severe.

Papules may be the predominant type of rash, and in children and pregnant women, surface scales may be sparse or absent. The pink or yellow-brown color of the rash is not so obvious in dark-skinned patients; children often develop inverse RL (rashes on the skin of the axillary fossa or inguinal folds with centrifugal growth).

Pink versicolor (versicolor of Gibert)

In the everyday sense, deprive is an inflamed flaky spot or a group of spots. In medicine, several dermatological diseases of the group of infectious erythema are called lichen at once, most often of a fungal nature and caused by excessive growth of the epithelium... Examples include ringworm, which has another name for microsporia and pityriasis, better known as tinea versicolor. There are other skin diseases, also called lichen, in the emergence and development of which microscopic fungi are not involved - this is lichen planus and pink lichen, experts called Gibert's disease (synonym - peeling roseola, pityriasis).

Pink lichen is not the most common disease that affects mainly young people, as well as children and adolescents. In infants, pink lichen is diagnosed extremely rarely, as well as in people who have crossed the forty-year line. The causes of the disease are not fully understood, although dermatologists agree that it is based on allergies, infection and improper skin care. It is clear that patients are interested in: is pink lichen contagious? Experts say that this disease, like many others of an allergic nature, such as dermatitis, is not contagious... However, in most cases, the impetus to the development of Gibert's lichen is given by an infection, including an acute respiratory infection (colloquially - a cold) - so a patient with pink lichen can transmit it to the people around him. It is no coincidence that the increase in the incidence of pink lichen occurs in autumn and spring, that is, the time of external temperature jumps and the acute respiratory diseasesas well as flu.

Pink lichen: causes of the disease

Unfortunately, one can only guess why pink flaky spots appear on the skin, since the true causative agent of the disease has not yet been found. However, this does not prevent dermatologists from considering Zhibert's lichen an infectious disease, especially since this hypothesis is confirmed by:

  • the seasonal nature of the pathology;
  • inflammatory elements characteristic of the disease go through several stages in their development, which allows us to speak about the cyclical course of this type of lichen;
  • lichen pink develops against the background of infectious diseases and is aggravated by hormonal changes - such conclusions can be drawn from the observation of women in whom flaky roseola appeared during pregnancy, accompanied by natural hormonal changes in the body;
  • signs of intoxication, including general malaise, joint aches and fatigue, appearing several days before the first rash occurs.

Another reason for the appearance of lichen pink that does not cause confusion among specialists is the body's allergic reaction to food and external irritants. But as to whether and which chronic diseases can provoke the development of pathology, there is no consensus.

Symptoms of pink lichen Gibert

On the skin, as a rule, after a cold, a rather large pink spot with a diameter of two or more centimeters appears - this is the so-called "maternal plaque", a formation that is characteristic of pink lichen.

Gradually, the central part of the plaque turns yellow, shrivels and begins to peel off. Not immediately, but after a few days (sometimes after two weeks), spots similar in color, but smaller in size (up to 1 centimeter in diameter) appear on the skin around the maternal plaque, located along the lines of maximum skin stretch (Langer's lines).

As the “daughter” spots ripen, subtle scales appear in the center, while the peripheral part differs in texture and looks like a border. Approximately every fifth patient suffering from lichen rosacea develops the disease according to a different scheme: the maternal plaque does not form or, conversely, there are two of them, but of a small size. There are few daughter elements characteristic of pathology; they do not merge with each other, although sometimes they are located very close.

At the initial stage of development of pink lichen, itching, pain and sensation of heat in the affected area are absent. These sensations may not appear at all if, during the course of the disease, the allergic component does not intervene, provoking itching and burning in the patient.

Most often, such sensations arise in children - pink lichen in them, in most cases, proceeds violently, often itchy blisters (bulls) with rather thin walls and liquid yellowish contents form on the skin. Specific formations appearing on the skin cause discomfort to the patient and make him scratch the skin.

You should know that a rash with pink lichen appears gradually - new spots are added to the existing spots, so that there are formations of varying degrees of maturity on the skin.

Attention! By clinical manifestations Zhibera's lichen resembles herpes. The duration of the disease is on average four to five weeks and rarely exceeds a month and a half. The fact that the lichen passes can be guessed by the absence of new rashes and the gradual lightening of existing spots.

For pink lichen, symptoms are characteristic:

  • a sharp increase in temperature is quickly replaced by its normal values;
  • headache and weakness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • feeling of tightness of the skin in the lesions;
  • itching, mainly appearing at night;
  • dryness and flaking of the skin;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin after water procedures.

Attention! If you find symptoms of pink lichen Gibert, you should immediately go to a dermatologist!

Pink lichen: diagnosis of the disease

In most cases, the doctor manages to make the correct diagnosis based on the data from the examination of the patient and the analysis of his complaints, especially if there is a clear connection between the rash and the infectious colds that preceded its appearance. In addition, hypothermia, as well as treatment with hormonal drugs and cytostatics, can become factors confirming the development of precisely the deprivation of Zhiber. Of great importance is the presence of symptoms such as enlarged lymph nodes, hypertrophy of the tonsils and hyperemia of the throat (red throat).

However, sometimes the collected data and symptoms are not enough, and the doctor prescribes:

  • a general blood test, which helps to identify diseases of the connective tissue, as well as the presence of a viral or bacterial infection;
  • urine analysis to assess the intensity of the general inflammation;
  • microprecipitation reaction, revealing the presence of anti-syphilitic antibodies.
  • scraping the skin with subsequent examination of the material under a microscope to exclude fungal skin lesions.

Pink lichen Gibert: how to treat the disease

After the diagnosis is made, the patient receives recommendations on how to behave so that the treatment is effective and the skin is quickly cleared of unaesthetic spots.

Diet. All foods that can cause sensitization of the body (increased sensitivity to allergens) should be excluded from the diet - these are citrus and exotic fruits, coffee and chocolate, fish and seafood. In addition, you should not overload the digestive system with smoked, fried and canned foods, processed foods, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.

Lifestyle. There are no radical restrictions, but you should know that with pink lichen you should limit water procedures, including hygienic ones. You can shower no more than once or twice a week, using neutral detergents (baby soap is best) and a soft sponge. After washing, the skin should not be rubbed, it is enough to blot it with a soft cotton towel, but this must be done carefully so that there is no moisture left on the covers.

Medication. It is required if lichen pink is weighed down by the addition of bacterial or fungal microflora, especially if abscesses and weeping areas appear on the skin. To treat Zhiber's disease, use:

Desensitizing (antihistamines) drugs Clemastine, Mebhydrolin, Chloropyramine and other drugs that block the release of histamine (relieve the manifestations of allergies). The tablets are taken seven to ten ten days, with their help it is possible to get rid of itching and burning (if any), as well as from edema, which are often accompanied by allergic reactions. In addition, with pink lichen, calcium chloride 10% is prescribed intravenously, five to ten milliliters up to three times a day.

Hormonal ointments. External therapy is used because of their anti-inflammatory effect. Usually, drugs containing glucocorticosteroids (Hydrocortisone, Methylprednisolone or Betamethasone) in low concentrations are used. The ointment is applied to the lesions in a thin layer, usually once or twice a day for a week. Outdoor hormonal drugs have a powerful and pronounced effect, but if you go beyond the recommendations for use, they can change the structure of the skin, for example, cause its thinning and suppress the barrier functions of the skin so much that the underlying disease will be aggravated by the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection. For the treatment of pink lichen, Akriderm, Lokoid or Hydrocortisone ointment are used, sometimes supplementing their use with taking tablets with glucocorticoids (Prednisolone).

Antibiotics and antifungal drugs. With pink lichen, they are used only in cases of secondary infection and mainly in the form of external agents, for example, containing antibiotics Levomekolevaya or Syntomycin ointments. If fungal microflora has developed, Exifin, Batrafen or Lotseril ointments are prescribed, as well as Clotrimazole, which have a detrimental effect on yeast-like and mold fungi.

Drying and astringent compositions. Usually use zinc-containing talkers. Zinc has the ability to react with proteins to form an insoluble compound (colloid) that protects and dries the skin affected by the rash.

Attention! Despite the fact that experts support the hypothesis of the viral origin of pink lichen and sometimes compare it with herpes, drugs destructive for herpes viruses, for example, Acyclovir, are useless for Zhibert's disease.

Pink lichen is well treated only in cases of correct (that is, performed by a specialist) selection of medications. The drugs that the patient dares to prescribe himself will not bring relief, moreover, they will cause complications, including persistent irritation of the skin and the formation of non-healing weeping areas on its surface.

What else you need to know about pink lichen

  1. In most cases the disease is acute, the chronic form is unusual for it, although relapses occur quite often, since a person who has recovered does not develop immunity to lichen rosacea.
  2. Pink lichen is a disease that tends to heal itself, which can only be violated by allergies or microbes and fungi caught on the integument.
  3. Today there is no prophylaxis against pink lichen, recommendations are reduced to the prevention of colds, that is, a healthy lifestyle, hardening and strengthening the immune system.
  4. IN the first week after the appearance of the maternal plaque, it is advisable to irradiate the skin with ultraviolet raysharmful to pathogens. However, when the disease has already developed, UV radiation can stimulate the formation of new spots.
  5. In a child, pink lichen usually develops against the background of allergic reactions, therefore it is important to eliminate sources of danger - animals, stuffed toys, and allergenic foods... In general, in children, Gibert's disease develops according to the same scenario as in adults, with the only difference that during treatment it is better to do without hormonal agents.
  6. Pink lichen in pregnant women is often found, which is facilitated by hormonal changes in the body natural for this period and "subsidence" of immunity. As a rule, no treatment is required, the spots go away on their own, the main thing is to protect the skin from secondary infections.
  7. Pink lichen is not contagious, does not have incubation period and passes without consequences for the body.

Synonyms: Gibert's lichen, peeling roseola, pityriasis.

Gibert's disease or lichen rosacea is an inflammatory skin disease. What are the reasons for its occurrence and what should be done?

Why does a rash appear?

Zhiber's disease can occur for the following reasons:

  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • breakdown;
  • allergy;
  • weak immunity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • insect bites;
  • vaccinations;
  • transferred infections.

Many of the listed reasons appear with the onset of cold weather, and therefore the problem often manifests itself at this time.

Symptoms of the disease

The first appearance is usually a round pink spot on the body about 2 centimeters in diameter or larger. Gradually, it turns yellow in the middle and begins to peel off a little. See the photo of pink lichen.

Later, numerous skin rashes appear throughout the body. Less commonly, they appear on the face. At the same time, the elements of the rash look different. Old spots are covered with bloom, and only protruding ones are smooth and pink.

When infected, patients do not always seek help from a dermatologist, but diagnose themselves on their own. The symptoms of lichen rosacea are similar to other skin conditions. Only a specialist will establish the correct diagnosis.

It may take 3 weeks from the moment of infection to the first characteristic signs. Many doctors claim that this lichen is not contagious.

There is also an opinion about the possibility of infection through direct bodily contact. First of all, people with weakened immune systems, mainly adults, get sick. The duration of the disease is from 1 to 2 months.

Diagnosis and treatment of lichen

The dermatologist makes a diagnosis when examining a patient according to the characteristic features of the rash. For clarification, a scraping can be done. The rash will gradually disappear without any treatment. However, there are folk and medical remedies for pink lichen.

Special attention should be paid to the quality of food. It is not recommended to eat foods that can cause allergies and irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

During the treatment of lichen rosacea in a person, you should not irritate the skin. It is forbidden to use sulfur-containing ointments, iodine, alcohol-containing liquids, phenolic acid.

For an itchy rash, you can use a variety of emollient oils, such as sea buckthorn, rosehip, and others.

For local treatment, corticosteroids (Medrol, Aklovat, etc.), antihistamines (Gistan, Fenistil), dermatropic agents (Tsindol) are suitable.

In children, treatment is aimed primarily at increasing immunity. Usually, a dermatologist prescribes Ascorutin or other vitamin preparations.

With a complicated disease, a detailed blood test is performed. Only a specialist will determine the best way to treat lichen rosacea.

Persons who have had Gibert's disease develop lifelong immunity. Recipients are extremely rare.

Traditional methods of treating lichen

There are many alternative methods of dealing with the disease. It should always be remembered that they can only be used in consultation with a specialist.

Wheat flour is rubbed into the affected skin from the edge of the plaque to the center up to 5 times a day.

Natural apple cider vinegar is used as an antiseptic.

An infusion is prepared for lotions. Blackberry leaves and stevia powder are mixed in a 5: 1 ratio and poured with two glasses of hot boiled water and infused for 5 minutes.

The yeast dough is applied for about 2 hours, then removed with a damp cloth.

Inflammation and itching are well removed by glycerol and talcum ointment. They are mixed with zinc oxide and poured with water until smooth. The affected areas are treated 2 times a day.

You can make a compress at night using birch resin and butter.

There are other traditional medicines that should ease the course of the disease.

Prevention of the disease

Attention should be paid to the quality of fabrics, especially underwear. Do not wear synthetic or wool clothing.

It is better to wash under the shower with mild detergents. You do not need to dry off, but just dab the skin with a napkin. It is even better to limit water treatments, as they spread stains from them.

You should stay in the sun less. Women don't need to wear makeup for about a month.

In order to prevent the disease, you should strengthen the body, temper, use vitamins, and eat right. It is wise to give up bad habits.

You need to keep your body clean. If there are allergic reactions, then antihistamines should be taken.

Do not disregard infectious and viral diseases. Compliance with all recommendations will provide a quick and effective treatment for pink lichen.

Photo of pink lichen

Zhibera's pink lichen (pityiasis) in humans is considered a disease of an infectious-allergic nature, most often it manifests itself seasonally. Has certain symptoms, but proceeds differently for each person, therefore, treatment requires an individual approach.

The appearance of suspicious pink spots, which eventually begin to peel off, the onset of itching - all this should alert the person. Similar symptoms may indicate the development of pink lichen. What is this disease? How to get rid of this species? It's worth understanding this.

Pink lichen (pityasis) in humans - what is it?

Pink lichen of Zhiber is an infectious disease, it is not transmitted from person to person, appears with a strongly weakened immunity. This disease is quite common, but, despite this, it has not been fully studied.

The causes of the onset are not completely clear, but most often people with weakened immunity suffer from the disease in middle age, after suffering infectious diseases.

According to some reports, Zhibera (as this disease is also called) is caused by the herpes virus type 6 or 7, but this has also not been proven. Perhaps the virus is just a trigger.

After entering the body, an allergic reaction begins, which provokes the appearance of symptoms of pink lichen.

If a person has once had pink lichen, or as it is also called, pityriasis, then a stable immunity should develop in his body, but this does not always happen, relapses are nevertheless possible.

The disease always has a chronic course, most often the period of exacerbation occurs in the spring-summer period, during the abundant flowering of plants and trees.

Symptoms and causes of pathology

It is recommended to look at photos of other patients in order to understand what pink lichen looks like in humans. Pitiriasis is a multiple skin rash: small oval or round spots. They are colored from pink to intense red.

The initial stage usually begins with the appearance of one large spot, which appears most often on the patient's chest, and after a few days, numerous smaller spots begin to form around it.

The spots begin to peel off and may look like a locket. Most often they appear on the body, but on the face, the phenomenon is rarely diagnosed.

After healing, pigmentation is disturbed at the site of the spots - the skin becomes either too dark or too light, but after a while everything is normalized.

The causes of pink lichen include:

  • severe or persistent stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • allergic reactions to insect bites or plant pollen.

Vaccination can also lead to the appearance of pink lichen, but it all depends only on the individual characteristics of the organism.

The virus may not appear immediately, but only after the transfer infectious disease and decreased immunity.

Paying attention to the photo of pink lichen, its signs and treatment in children and adults, there are no strong differences. In a child, the disease proceeds in the same way, sometimes in a more acute and severe form.

This is due to the fact that children's immunity is much weaker than an adult. In children, this pathology is diagnosed most often at the age of 5 to 12 years.

Diagnostics (basic analyzes)

At the slightest suspicion of the development of pink lichen, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. Some people argue that even if Gibert's disease is not treated, the spots will go away on their own in a few months, but it is worth risking your health.

Any disease, if you do not deal with its timely treatment, can lead to complications. Moreover, neglected diseases are much more difficult to treat, therefore, when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

With improper treatment or its absence, rashes can cover the entire body, a bacterial infection will join.

It is sometimes very difficult to make the correct diagnosis with pityriasis, because a specific pathogen is not detected. The disease is often confused with other types of lichen (and others), with toxidermia.

Diagnostics consists primarily in visual inspection. An experienced dermatologist will take into account the characteristic location of the plaques on the body (along Langer's lines), their shape and appearance, and, based on this, will make the correct diagnosis.

Additionally, analyzes can be assigned:

  • total blood count;
  • common urine;
  • microprecipitation reaction;
  • scraping from the affected skin.

The complexity of diagnosis, first of all, lies in the fact that lichen sometimes has to be distinguished from other serious pathologies - secondary syphilis, trichophytosis, psoriasis.

TOP 5 treatment methods

If a person is diagnosed with pink lichen, individual treatment is prescribed. If there are no special complications, then the patient may be prescribed simple antihistamines, and he will also need to follow a certain diet.

Many are interested in whether or not pink lichen in humans is contagious. In most cases, the answer is no, although there are exceptions.

If we talk about how lichen is transmitted from person to person, then this happens only with close contact, as well as with the joint use of hygiene items, for example, towels.

But it should be noted that this is extremely rare and most often it is impossible to get sick from another person. Nevertheless, during the period of illness and treatment, it is best not to visit such public places as baths, saunas, swimming pools.

If the disease has a complex chronic course with exacerbations, while a bacterial infection has joined, then in this case without adequate drug treatment simply not enough:

  1. In addition to antihistamines, desensitizing agents and glucocorticosteroids may be prescribed to the patient.
  2. For treatment, an ointment containing hydrocortisone or betamethasone is also prescribed.
  3. In addition, drying preparations containing zinc may be prescribed, for example, ordinary zinc ointment or Tsindol.
  4. If a fungal infection also joins the pink lichen, it is advisable to prescribe antibiotics, for example, Clotrimazole. Antifungal medications in the form of an ointment may also be prescribed.
  5. If possible, the doctor can prescribe special pharmacy talkers, which are made individually. Most often, these funds include substances such as menthol and anesthesin.

Be sure to observe special hygiene in case of illness. Frequent water treatments are excluded, especially with the use of soaps and gels.

Water procedures can provoke an exacerbation and prolongation of the disease. It is also worth excluding fabrics that irritate the skin, such as synthetics and wool, from clothing.

Ultraviolet light has a beneficial effect on the skin and promotes faster recovery.

When treating, you should also follow a special diet. Products that can cause an allergic reaction containing artificial colors are completely excluded.

It is worth giving up coffee, strong tea, alcoholic and carbonated drinks. The consumption of fatty meat and fried foods should also be limited.

Traditional methods of treatment

Cure for pink lichen is also possible with the help of folk remedies, but you should be careful when choosing them, you should initially consult a doctor.

How to quickly cure pityriasis at home? This question worries many. There are many ways and recipes:

  1. They lubricate the affected areas. Vinegar will help to quickly get rid of the disease, it also eliminates pain, burning and itching.
  2. A burnt newspaper, or rather its ashes. It will help you get rid of it faster. Burn the newspaper and apply warm ash to the lichen. This method will be effective only for initial stages diseases.
  3. Birch tar. Do not forget about this natural antiseptic. It is also applied to plaques. You can mix the tar with homemade high-fat butter. Various oils are also effective in treatment - rosehip, burdock, sea buckthorn.
  4. Compresses with dairy products.On a cabbage leaf, apply a little cottage cheese or sour cream and apply to the affected areas. You can also use a mixture of beets and honey. It is also applied to the cabbage leaf and applied to the plaques.
  5. Elderberry medicine.As a complex remedy for the treatment of pathology, you can prepare a drink from black elderberry. For cooking, you need to take the dried flowers of this plant, pour boiling water over them and insist. Take two tablespoons 3-5 times a day. This remedy is very good to use as a prophylaxis, as well as to strengthen the immune system.
  6. Tincture with celandine. Famous and effective remedywhich is very easy to make at home. Take equal proportions of grass and pure alcohol, place in a tightly closed glass container. Infuse in the dark for 14 days.

If a person looked at the photo, found symptoms of pink lichen, treatment with folk remedies may be ineffective in advanced cases, as well as when additional infections are attached. In such a situation, you should not risk it, you need to contact a specialist and undergo the correct therapy.


Most often, the prognosis of treatment is favorable, recovery can occur within a few weeks, provided that a bacterial or fungal infection has not joined.

After transferring the disease, immunity is developed, but it is unstable. That is, there are always risks of getting sick again.

You must always eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and strengthen the immune system. If there is a tendency to allergic reactions, it is necessary to completely exclude the appearance of an allergen in the patient's life.

Do not forget about the rules of hygiene, use only your own means and objects, because in rare cases, pink lichen can be transmitted from person to person.

Suddenly, sometimes after suffering a cold, and sometimes just like that, out of the blue, the whole body is covered with rather large pink spots. They do not hurt, they do not itch, but they look terrible, suggesting terrible infectious diseases.

One of the possible diagnoses here is lichen rosacea - a harsh-looking, but rather harmless disease ... provided that nothing is done about it.

Anecdote on the topic:
Railway station. Father and son are late for the train.
They run along the platform, then along the rails.
It becomes finally clear that everything is late.
The father turns around and hits his son in the ear with a sweeping blow.
- Dad, why ?!
- Well, how ... we must at least do something ...

What does it look like?

In a typical case, one pink spot first appears (it is also called maternal), after which on the skin of the trunk, arms, legs (as a rule, above the elbows and knee joints) there are smaller spots, sometimes they rise slightly above the skin, almost always peel off. On the periphery, the spots are brighter, in the center - lightening. The skin of the face, scalp, hands and feet is usually not affected.

If the diagnosis was established correctly and the correct recommendations for skin care were immediately given, then there may be no itching or other subjective sensations at all. On my own I will add that although atypical forms do occur, as a rule, dermatologists make this diagnosis without difficulty.

Dont touch me!

In most cases, within 1.5–2 months, the spots disappear by themselves, without medication, only due to gentle, non-irritating skin care. The main thing here is to resist the temptation to smear the stains with something on your own: for example, with iodine (mistaken for a fungus), beloved (so that everyone can see that he is sick), sulfuric or some other ointment (scabies, they say) ...

The paradox, but pink lichen extremely does not like to be treated. The fact is that the skin of such patients becomes extremely sensitive to external and internal influences and easily "explodes" with an eczematized form of pink lichen.

Therefore, the correct approach to this disease - the most gentle mode and less interference.

How do patients organize their lives?

Unfortunately, patients do not always adhere to the above recommendations. And then dermatologists (especially in the presence of itching) have to prescribe antihistamines and mild dosage forms from . However, they should be used extremely carefully, observing the dosages recommended by a specialist, and it is better to do with the precautions I have already mentioned.

Although lichen pink is a rather harmless thing, “folk” medicine and recipes from the healthy lifestyle newspaper are clearly not an option that can be dispensed with.

Good health!

Leonid Schebotansky


Products: cream with hydrocortisoneohm, levocetirizine, desloratadine

Lichen pink - This is a fairly common disease that develops against the background of a weakened immune system. In most cases, after recovery, the body produces antibodies to the disease, but sometimes relapses occur.

This disease is dermatological, infectious. It is characterized by specific skin rashes. It is completely curable, with timely started therapy, the prognosis is favorable.

General characteristics of the disease

This disease is also called Jeber's deprive. Sometimes there is the name pityriasis, flaky roseola. The disease is diagnosed more often in women, in men this disease is less common. It practically does not affect children under two years of age - most likely, the reason is the mother's immunity, which is transmitted to the child. In children after ten years of age, adolescents, this disease occurs quite often. After thirty-five years, the risk of pityriasis decreases. Often pregnant women are exposed to it - this is due to hormonal changes in the body.

Among dermatological diseases, this type of lichen occurs in three to four percent of cases. This is a high frequency indicator. At the same time, the nature and mechanisms of development of pityriasis have not been fully studied by specialists.

The peak incidence occurs during the cold season and the off-season - this is the time when many have weakened immunity. The disease is classified as infectious, in addition, it is presumably of an allergic nature. It is not transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, although there are cases when pityriasis was diagnosed in all members of one family. On this account, there is a theory that you can get infected with pink lichen through, clothes, towels.

Gibert's pink lichen appears in the form of characteristic spots. In half of the cases, they are accompanied by itching - moderate or severe. Often, the disease does not pose a serious danger to the body, but it can cause mental discomfort.

It is believed that after recovery, patients who have undergone this form of roseola develop stable immunity, but cases of re-infection are known. This is usually due to a very weakened immune system, taking drugs that suppress protective reactions.

Development reasons

Pityriasis occurs against the background of a weakened immune system, simultaneously with a cold or after recovery. A large round spot appears first. It is single, pink in color. The diameter of such a spot can reach twenty millimeters or more. it the spot is called maternal plaque.

Another theory speaks of the airborne transmission of the disease. However, most scientists agree that Gibert's lichen is developingif pathogenic microflora enters the body.

This is the initial stage of the development of the disease, in the future it bears an allergic nature. This is how the body reacts to the vital activity of the pathogen. Although there is no definite answer to the question of what are the causes of this disease, it was possible to establish factors that can contribute to the appearance of pink lichen.

  • Severe stress or chronic stressful situations.
  • Insect bites: bedbugs, mosquitoes, lice, midges.
  • Hypothermia - one-time or systematic.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, indigestion, peptic ulcer.
  • Endocrine pathologies, hormonal or metabolic disorders.
  • Infectious diseases transferred by the patient in the past.
  • Damage to the skin, even minor. This also includes the overly active use of scrubs with large particles, washcloths, harsh soaps or aggressive household chemicals. Such hygiene habits lead to excessive dryness of the skin, and can injure them.
  • In rare cases, lichen rosacea develops after vaccination.

Symptoms and types of pink lichen

Pityriasis occurs against the background of a weakened immune system, simultaneously with a cold or after recovery. First appears large round spot. It is single, pink in color. The diameter of such a spot can reach twenty millimeters or more. This spot is called the maternal plaque.

After some time, the center of the plaque turns pale, acquires a yellowish color. The upper sphere of the epidermis in this area peels off. Three to five days after the first spot appears around it, numerous spots up to a centimeter in diameter appear on the arms, torso, and legs. They are uniformly pink, oval or rounded. Further, the center of the spots dries up, folded-shaped skin scales are formed on it. There is a free border around the edges.

Besides the appearance of specks lichen pink is characterized by deterioration in well-being. Patients sometimes have fever, myalgia, headache, weakness and drowsiness. Sometimes appetite disappears, the throat turns red. Flaky roseola can be mistaken for an allergic reaction due to these symptoms. This can lead to self-treatment that does not improve the patient's condition.

The plaque may cause slight itching. The disease mainly affects the back and shoulder girdle, legs, hips, arms. Mass staining lasts up to three weeks, then the disease gradually subsides. The total duration can be up to one and a half to two months.

Symptoms of pink lichen are similar to signs of other dermatologic conditions, especially tartar lichen, the treatment strategy for which is different. That is why it is necessary to consult a doctor after detecting uncharacteristic spots. The specialist will diagnose and select the most effective treatment regimen.

Pink lichen has the following forms:

  • typical - it begins with the appearance of a maternal plaque;
  • atypical - there is no plaque, and instead of rashes, blisters, papules, vesicles appear on the body. May be accompanied by severe itching. Sometimes traces of the disease are visible and on the face, which is not typical for the typical form of the disease. The appearance of a rash, which forms small blisters. They merge into single spots, the diameter of which can reach ten centimeters.

Atypical flaky roseola can occur in acute form... It usually has three stages:

  • severe itching of those areas of the skin where rashes form afterwards;
  • the appearance of papules - they are fine-grained, with a rough surface;
  • the appearance of lesions - they are pronounced, protrude over the unaffected skin.


A dermatologist can quickly diagnose this type of lichen... At the initial examination, the doctor discovers maternal plaque, as well as multiple rashes. In rare cases, the clinical picture resembles measles, rubella, or eczema. Also, a similar rash can be a symptom of syphilis.

To clarify and confirm the diagnosis, laboratory tests are needed. First of all, this is a blood and urine test. Sometimes, if the patient suspects syphilis, it is necessary analysis for Wasserman reaction... An effective study is the study of blood serum for the presence of antibodies and antigens.

A scraping is taken from the affected skin areas, they are examined with a Wood lamp. In the early stages, diagnosis is difficult because the maternal plaque is similar to that of the annular worm. Later, lesions of the dermis appear - they have a round or oval ragged shape. The spots are located along the lines of skin tension, and a border is located at their edges.

Pink lichen treatment methods

it the disease is being treated by various methods. Quite often, patients turn to traditional medicine. This is permissible if the patient is in normal health, there is no itching, and the lesions are not too large. However, this treatment strategy should always be discussed with your doctor.

If a the patient has severe itching, it is necessary to abandon folk remedies and undergo a course of treatment with medications. Otherwise, the rash may scratch. An infection can get into the wounds - against the background of a weakened immune system, this leads to the development of inflammatory processes and complications.


To win quickly lichen pink, treatment should be comprehensive. It necessarily includes diet. Children must observe it for up to ten days, for adults - at least two weeks, up to a month. A change in the usual diet is associated with a possible allergic origin of the disease.

Patients diagnosed with lichen rosacea prohibited red apples and vegetables, eggs, all kinds of marinades and canned food, dairy products and seafood, mushrooms, sausages. Avoid alcohol, soda, fruit drinks, nuts. Banned cocoa and coffee, food with flavorings, dyes. The following fruits and berries are prohibited: strawberries, plums, grapes, blueberries, pomegranates, cherries, red apples, persimmons, melons, pineapples.

To eat during this period, it is necessary to balance, monitor the amount of protein and carbohydrates. The menu includes offal, cereals, cereal crisps, natural dairy products. Chicken, lean beef allowed. Can drink weak tea, rosehip broth. Apple compotes, leafy salad varieties, zucchini, white vegetables and berries will not harm.


Pink lichen treatment is carried out with the use of tablets, creams, ointments.

  • A good result is obtained by the use of products based on acyclovir. It is believed that this substance inhibits the vital activity of pathogens. The ointment or cream is applied with a swab to the affected areas at intervals of about four hours. Also, acyclovir is prescribed for this disease in tablet form.
  • Flucinar is a topical drug that reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions.
  • Sinaflan is an antihistamine that is used for pink lichen in adults and children from the age of three. It is forbidden to use it for more than a week, but it is possible to use the remedy in courses.
  • Locoid - eliminates allergic rashes, can be used with breastfeeding.
  • Lorinden is a remedy to restore local immunity. Accelerates skin renewal, stimulates healing.
  • Zinc ointment with salicylic acid. These substances have a pronounced antiseptic effect, protect intact areas from rashes. As a result, lichen spots dry out, the skin renews faster.
  • Also in pharmacies they prepare a talker for pink lichen. It is a prescription product based on zinc, glycerin, and alcohol. It inhibits the vital activity of fungal microorganisms, viruses. In addition, after application, the inflamed areas die, the skin renews faster.
  • Antiviral and antihistamines are usually prescribed in pill form. If lichen pink is complicated by infections, additional antibiotic therapy is performed. Treatment with hormonal drugs is indicated only in cases where the disease is difficult, complicated by chronic diseases.
  • If the patient shows signs of intoxication, activated charcoal is prescribed as an aid to combat such symptoms.
  • Among the antihistamines that have worked well for this disease are suprastin, loratadine, tavegil, claritin. Acyclovir is prescribed to fight viruses. The earlier you start taking it, the faster the pink lichen passes.
  • If the appearance of rashes is associated with a very low level of immunity, drug correction is possible. For this, immunomodulators are prescribed.
  • Sometimes patients are prescribed physical therapy, most often ultraviolet radiation. This therapy is effective in the first days after the appearance of the maternal plaque. Ultraviolet light inhibits the vital activity of pathogenic microflora. However, in the later stages of ptyriasis, this procedure can provoke the appearance of new rashes, a worsening of the patient's condition.
  • During the illness stands change hygiene habits... It is forbidden to visit pools and saunas, take a bath, especially a hot one. A quick rinse under a warm shower is enough without the use of soap or gels. This will prevent further spread of stains on the surface of the body.
  • Until a complete cure, it is better to refuse textile towels. After hygienic procedures, paper is used, while the skin is not rubbed, but slightly blotted, removing excess moisture. During this period, it is forbidden to use creams, lotions and other cosmetics - it can provoke allergic rashes and even worsen the skin condition.
  • Although lichen rosacea predominantly does not affect physical activity, it is better to give up sports or outdoor activities until you recover. You should also dress for the weather and avoid overheating. This is because sweating can stimulate new breakouts.
  • A mandatory requirement is a daily change of underwear. During this period, synthetic, woolen clothes, which can chafe, create a greenhouse effect for the skin, are not allowed. You should wear loose-fitting cotton, linen clothes. This will provide ventilation to the upper layers of the skin.
  • You should not use mixtures based on tar or sulfur - they do not help, and sometimes they cause new rashes.
  • Staying in direct sunlight can trigger a new spike in rashes. It is better to give up walking in the daytime, to protect the skin with clothes, hats.
  • It is possible to take multivitamin preparations. They will help the body's defenses to activate, so the ptyriasis will pass faster. There are cases when, with the activation of the immune system, the plaques disappeared on their own, without treatment.
  • During the period of treatment, it is necessary to avoid stress, excessive emotional stress. The calm background of life will speed up your recovery.

These simple tips will help avoid complications of pink lichen... Observing them and following medical recommendations, you can forget about the disease in a month.

Treatment with folk methods

Alternative and traditional medicine offers many treatments for lichen rosacea. Some of them are quite effective, especially if the disease is typical.

  • Rashes, if not combed, can be gently cauterized with apple cider vinegar. Frequency - once every two to three hours.
  • A bolt on the affected area can be made at home. For this, talc, zinc oxide, glycerin and water are mixed in equal volumes.
  • You can lubricate the plaques with celandine tincture. You can not treat children, nursing or pregnant women with such a remedy. It is forbidden to use it for skin lesions.
  • One more folk remedy - this is cabbage compresses... A small amount of sour cream or cottage cheese is applied to a leaf of white cabbage, and then applied to the affected areas.
  • A good remedy is considered mixture of honey and grated beets... However, for those who have an allergic reaction to honey, such treatment is categorically contraindicated.
  • Since the disease usually manifests itself against the background of a weakened immune system, a good result is given vitamin drinks... Dry elderberry blossom can be infused in hot water, after which you can drink the strained infusion a couple of tablespoons up to five times a day.
  • You can lubricate the lesions of the rash calendula ointment... For its preparation, the dried flowers of the plant are crushed, then mixed with petroleum jelly to obtain a creamy mass.
  • You can apply to the affected areas buckwheat decoction compresses: the cereal is boiled in a large amount of water, then filtered. In the resulting liquid, wipes are moistened with which they cover areas of the skin with rashes.
  • You can soften damaged skin natural oils: peach, sea buckthorn. From essential oils better to refuse.

Pitiriasis in children, pregnant women

Pink lichen is often diagnosed in adolescents., children over five years old, as well as in pregnant women. It is believed that the change in hormonal levels creates favorable conditions for the development of the disease.

The clinical picture in these categories of patients does not differ from the symptoms that appear in other groups of patients. Diagnostics is carried out in the same way. The main difference is in the methods of treatment.

Pregnant women, children, women during lactation are not hormonal drugs are prescribedas well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antiviral drugs. Basically, the treatment of these categories of patients is aimed at increasing immunity and relieving symptoms. If a pregnant woman's disease is accompanied by severe itching, the dermatologist selects antihistamines taking into account the patient's condition. Permissible as external agents zinc based talkers, antiseptic solutions. It is better to refuse traditional medicine, since some drugs can harm the fetus.

Treatment of children is also predominantly symptomatic. Small patients prescribe antihistamines, drugs and multivitamins to strengthen the immune system. For the treatment of children over two years old, local application of zinc ointment, talkers, antiseptics is permissible. In the early days of the disease, ultraviolet radiation gives a good effect in children.


There are no specific preventive measures that will help protect against this disease. but plays a big role formation of healthy habits, adherence to a rest regime, moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air. It is worth revising the diet, giving up the frequent use of fatty foods, foods with flavors, dyes, and chemical additives. Eat more seasonal fruits or vegetables. The risk of getting pityriasis is reduced by giving up bad habits.

For the prevention of the disease, such recommendations must be followed.

  • Dress for the weather, avoid hypothermia, freezing feet.
  • Apply hardening techniques, take walks in the fresh air more often. It is recommended to spend at least two to three hours outdoors every day.
  • Get enough protein. Periodically drink multivitamin preparations - the duration and frequency of courses must be agreed with the doctor.
  • Form hygiene habits. Perform water procedures regularly, but do not abuse detergents. Using soap or shower gel is enough a couple of times a week. Keep your hands clean.
  • Change underwear and bedding in a timely manner.
  • Allergy sufferers should, if possible, exclude contact with the allergen. If this is not possible, you should consult an allergist. The specialist will select drugs that will reduce the risk of allergies.
  • Monitor your health, undergo preventive examinations. In case of viral diseases, infections, complete treatment. After that, you can take an additional course of vitamin therapy.
  • Do not use other people's towels. Clothes. Do not lend personal hygiene items to other people.
  • Avoid stress whenever possible. In situations where this is not possible, sedatives can be taken on a plant basis.
  • Refuse hard washcloths and mechanical scrubs.